Do more this year!

It's just about one week into the new year; what have you accomplished? Have you kept your resolutions, or have you already drifted back into the same life you were living just a week ago? The good news is that 75% of people are keeping up with their goals around this time of the year! (you're probably in that 75%!) But by the end of the year, that number drops to 9%! That's quite a change.

I don't want to be in the 9%, and I don't think you do either, so what can we do to ensure that we won't give up?

What's even more important are the goals we set for the Lord! These don't only impact our temporary life, but they affect eternity! To read more, pray more, witness more, or whatever else you promised Him. Now, I do not want to stop these resolutions.

How can we make sure we see them ALL through?

We must learn to let go of the past. The future has many possibilities that excite us! However, the past can be the weight that holds us back from ever reaching our vision for the future. If we aren't careful, our history will drastically determine our future.

The first hurdle in keeping our commitments is to let go of our past mistakes. How do we expect to move forward if all we can think about is our mistakes? How can we start a new life if we feel like our mistakes have already formed our identity?

But it's not only our mistakes of the past that hold us back; even our success can hinder us. And the thing about the trap of success is that it doesn't look like a trap at all. When we think we have done enough, we stop pursuing more extraordinary things. We need to avoid complacency due to accomplishment. There is ALWAYS room to improve.

So this year, don't let the past hold you back but instead, let it go and look ahead!


5 Keys to keep your fire


Doing your best in 2022.